Did You know?
The average school-age child has more than 2,000 hours of discretionary time each year. That's the equivalent of a full-time job!
By way of comparison, the average child is in school just 800 hours per year - less than half their free time. Our community's children need resources outside of school to reinforce the importance of healthy and productive interaction with adults, self-esteem and confidence, and the necessity of hard work. Centro Guadalupano's response to this need?
Our Response
More than 100 Latino children of immigrant parents participate in out of school activities offered through the ¡Àndale! (Let's go!) after school program which was initiated in January of 2008, in response to community demand and concern regarding the growing achievement gap facing Latino students in Minneapolis schools. Using a culturally competent framework that involves the whole family, the program works to increase student self-esteem, academic performance, and connection to the community.
A Comprehensive Approach
Recognizing that academic success stems from a variety of factors, the Andale program includes music and arts components, as well as cultural experiences, to supplement its cornerstone of rigorous scholastic tutoring. The result a is well rounded experience that plays to the strengths of different types of students, as well as guarantees that everyone learns something new!
In recent years, our community has noticed an increasing achievement gap facing Latino students in local elementary and secondary schools. A variety of factors -- among them language barriers, pervasive poverty, and cultural concerns -- were conspiring to place Latino students at the bottom of many statewide standardized measures of performance.
The design of the program seeks to confront this trend with bilingual, rigorous academic guidance that includes work in math, reading, science, and improved study practices. Working with parents and the students' schools, assistance is provided on an individual basis to cater to the academic needs of each participant. In addition to paid staff, this component utilizes the volunteer efforts of local university students who, while providing impressive academic credentials of their own, serve as role models for participating youth.
Arts Education
In addition to is focus on academics, the ¡Àndale! program provides arts programming to broaden our participants' horizons, develop skills and character, and reconnect with their cultural heritage. Foremost among these activities is the program's music, which meets once a week to learn mariachi style guitar, marimba, and other traditional instruments. Here, youth receive musical education while also learning to work together, perform for sizable groups, and absorb an art form that connects them to their family and community. Traditional dance is also a part of our cultural arts activities, providing another opportunity for learning and self expression. Other activities include field trips to historical and cultural sites and museums.
The ¡Àndale! program meets after school on Tuesday & Thursdays, 2:45-4:30 pm & 5:30-7:00 pm throughout the school year.
Latino Cultural Summer Camp
Operating five days per week for one week during the summer, the camp offers local Latino children and youth opportunities to engage in their cultural heritage with music, dance, arts, and sports. It is a popular component, with between 40 and 50 participants each year.

After School Program for Youth
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